Eat one activity that can not be separated in our lives. As well as European teenagers, many of them who like culinary tours while on the streets. In europe they are usually used to breakfast with bread, eggs, or just with milk. Different from the people of Indonesia are accustomed to eating rice. Actual content of carbohydrates in the bread and rice is almost the same, even two pieces of bread with a plate of rice.
Only the people of Indonesia are not used to breakfast with bread. Breakfast with bread, but the culture had entered Indonesia. Many Indonesian people who are used to breakfast with bread, because it is considered more practical. Not just bread, but a major European food is also popular in Indonesia.
Such as pasta, pizza, salads, steaks, burgers, fried chicken, fries, and more. There is even a famous fried chicken restaurant that has worldwide McDonald. European teens love fast food like McDonald's.
Actually, fast food is not good for the body, it can lead to diseases such as cancer and obesity. But it tastes good and practical Europeans make teenagers like to eat them. Foods such as pizza and steak is a favorite European adolescents. Pizza is a round bread with toppings such as meat, peppers, mushrooms, cheese, and others. While the steak is grilled meat served with fried potatoes, and others.
The food was not only popular with European teenagers, ranging from children to adults love it too. Even the people of Indonesia were like the food. Restaurants that serve food like that is also very easy to find it in Indonesia.